Friday, January 20, 2012

How Long Should You Keep Your Weave in?

One of the most common questions about weave-in installation is "For how long should the weave stay in?"

The exact answer to this question may vary for different people.
A weave in should ideally stay from 2 weeks to max of 2.5~3 months. The time period will depend on each person individually, due to several factors:
- how quickly your own hair grows
- how well you maintain the weave
- in what condition is your natural hair under the weave.

Here are some important tips to consider when you judge for how long you should keep your extensions, before taking a rest or doing a new reinstall.

- You should consider getting the sew-in removed if you can see the growth of your own hair.
- You should consider getting the sew-in removed if you see that the weave has lost its life and appears dry and not reusable
- You should regularly moisture your own hair and scalp under the weave
- You should consider getting the sew-in removed if your own hair underneath is starting to matte, tangle or dread

Many people get addicted to hair extensions and do not wish to part with the long and beautiful tresses they have paid for. However the health of your own hair and scalp is important.

Here is what Tamar Braxton says in an interview: "When I do wear a weave, I don’t keep it for a long time and I make sure my own hair is braided and very well moisturized. I also don’t put any chemicals in my hair"